Patients Residents & Families

Your safety and well-being

Bruyère is committed to providing safe, quality care in an environment that promotes respect, cultural sensitivity and dignity for our patients, staff, and visitors. Harassment, abuse, and violence are not tolerated.


smoke free - no latex products 

Bruyère is the champion of well-being for aging Canadians and those requiring continuing care. We believe in the dignity of each person - body, mind and spirit. We are committed to providing compassionate, excellent care according to the needs of each individual.


patient declaration 

Download this patient declaration here

Identification bracelets

During your stay, you will wear an identification bracelet. It provides essential information to our volunteers and staff.

We encourage those with life-threatening allergies or other serious medical conditions, particularly those who regularly leave the hospital to go into the community, to also wear Medic Alert bracelets.


Give your nurse all medications brought from home or from another hospital. All medicine taken at Bruyère must be prescribed by your Bruyère physician, and, in almost all cases, will be supplied by the hospital pharmacy.

Before we give you your medications, we will confirm your identity by:
    • Asking for your name and/or date of birth;
    • Looking at your hospital ID bracelet (this bracelet provides essential information that will assist our staff and volunteers); and
    • Comparing this information with the information in your chart.

When you arrive and when you leave the hospital, our pharmacy team will review all your medications to make sure they are doing what you need and that they do not interact in a harmful way. Family and friends should not bring any medications to you.

You may ask your physician to use alternative medications. Speak to your nurse, pharmacist, or physician if you notice a side effect from a medication or if you have questions about your medications. You or your family must obtain, administer, and pay for any treatment not prescribed by your physician.

When discharged, we will inform you, your family doctor and your community pharmacy of any changes made to your medications during your stay in hospital.

Infection prevention and control

Outbreak of infectious diseases

The most up-to-date outbreak information is available at 613-562-6262, ext. 1600 or on our website at bruyere.org.

Additional infection prevention and control precautions may be in place for you, or you may notice some changes in the event of an outbreak.

    • We may restrict visitation on specific units or facility-wide. Signs will identify the affected areas and what restrictions are in place.
    • We will post more information and instructions on proper hand hygiene technique and the use of personal protective equipment before entering a patient’s room.

Seasonal influenza

Seasonal influenza, commonly known as the flu, is a contagious respiratory illness. It is easily caught and spread. Whether you are in a health care environment, or living in the community, the best defense against the virus is annual vaccination.

Every fall, we offer the flu vaccine to our patients, employees, and volunteers at no cost. The vaccine can be administered at any time from October to the end of April.

Hand hygiene

Hand hygiene is one of the best ways to reduce the spread of infections. Alcohol-based hand rub dispensers are located at each of the entrances and throughout our hospital. Your care provider can also provide you with instructions about proper hand hygiene techniques and these should also be found posted around the hospital.


Help stop the spread of infections:


    • Use the alcohol-based hand rub provided when entering and leaving the building, as well as before and after visiting a patient’s room.
    • If you are ill, postpone your visit until you have recovered.
    • If necessary, we may put in place temporary visiting restrictions.


Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult visitor.


Abusive or inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated.

Video surveillance

Bruyère uses video surveillance. A security guard is on duty between 7 a.m. and midnight. In addition:

    • We suggest that you keep less than $20 in your room;
    • Never leave valuables unattended, especially in shared areas;
    • If you see anyone acting suspiciously inside the building, please notify staff immediately.

Violence prevention

For everyone’s safety, our violence prevention program prohibits any verbal or physical violence.

People who display aggressive or violent behaviours may be asked to leave.


Violent behaviour includes biting, groping, hitting, kicking, pinching, punching, pushing, shaking fists, shoving, spitting, throwing objects, attempting these actions and/or making verbal threats of assault. Some people react to anger, fear, pain, or stress with violence. Medication or medical conditions like dementia may also cause violent behaviour.

We follow the Occupational Health and Safety Act and inform our staff of any risk of violence. We do this to ensure the safety needs of all our patients and families.


Frequently Asked Questions 

How did you decide that I may be at risk of becoming violent?

    • An episode occurred where you demonstrated violent behaviour. The episode was documented, assessed, and determined to be a risk to staff.

Why do I have a sign on my door and have to wear a pink wrist band?

    • These are ways to communicate with staff to keep everyone safe. It informs them about the potential for violence and helps them prevent violent behaviours from being triggered. 

Are people going to treat me differently?

    • A flag does not affect the quality of care you receive. The sign, wrist band and flag in your patient record are necessary to alert staff so they are better able to meet your specific needs.

Are other health care organizations doing the same thing?

    • All health care organizations are required to follow the Occupational Health and Safety Act and provide a healthy and safe work environment for staff. Practices may vary from one organization to another, but the basic steps are the same.

When will this flag be removed from my patient record?

    • Once an incident of violence is documented, assessed, and determined to be a risk to staff, the flag that is applied is permanent. However, there is an appeal process available.

If you have any questions or wish to obtain an appeals form, please contact the Office of Patient Experience at 613-562-6262, ext. 1051 or clientrelations@bruyere.org.

Clot prevention

Clots or deep vein thrombosis (DVTs) can develop in the legs, or less commonly in the arms. These clots can travel to the lungs, becoming a potentially deadly pulmonary embolism (PE). DVTs are a significant public health problem, affecting about 100,000 Canadians and causing 10,000 deaths each year. Most people think inactivity is the biggest risk factor for DVT, when it is in fact surgery, cancer, and hospitalization.

The C-L-O-T-S campaign from Thrombosis Canada highlights the most common
symptoms that people with a blood clot may experience:

    • Chest pain;
    • Light-headedness;
    • Out of breath;
    • Leg tenderness; and
    • Leg swelling

Please let your physician know if you experience any of these symptoms.

Pressure injury prevention

Pressure injuries are damage to the skin and underlying tissues caused by sitting or lying in the same position for too long. They can also be caused by friction such as sliding down in bed or dragging heels across the mattress.

Most pressure injuries are preventable. Please follow these steps to prevent pressure injuries:
    • Look for changes in your skin daily. Report any changes to nursing staff.
    • Reposition at least every 2 hours in bed and every 15 minutes to 1 hour in a chair. Ask nursing staff to help, if needed.
    • Eat a healthy diet and drink water for hydration. Ask your dietician for help.
    • Use barrier creams and moisturizers (without alcohol) to protect and condition the skin.
    • Use gentle, pH-balanced soaps for cleansing.
    • Ensure that urine, stool, or other moisture against your skin is cleaned up as soon as possible.
    • When resting in bed, keep the head of the bed below 30 degrees, if possible.
    • Use specialty surfaces (such as cushions or mattresses) to relieve or redistribute pressure. Check often to make sure these surfaces are working properly. Ask your occupational therapist for help.

Report any discomfort while resting in bed or sitting in your chair to your care team. Other support surfaces may be available to help reduce pressure.



Accidents and injuries

Please report all accidents or injuries that occur on our property to a staff member. If you are a patient and have an accident while temporarily off our property, please also report the incident to staff when you return to the hospital.

Slipping and falling

Most falls occur when a patient is trying to get to or out of the washroom. Sometimes, medications can also make you feel dizzy or weak.

We will assess you getting in and out of bed or in and out of a chair, so we know if you need one or two people to help you or if you are able to do it safely by yourself. There will be a pictogram placed on the head of your bed, indicating how to transfer and move you, if needed.

You may need a ceiling lift sling to get in and out of your bed, or in and out of the bathtub.

You may also need an alarm on your bed or chair. If this is the case, a bell will ring in the nursing station to let staff know that you are out of the bed or chair. They will come quickly to make sure you are safe.

If your therapist recommends that you need assistance getting out of bed or out of a chair, ring your call bell and wait for help. If you have fallen, use the call bell. If you cannot reach it, call out for help. Do not move until a nurse or physician arrives.


If you see that someone else has fallen, do not move that person and call out for help.


For more information on what shoes to wear download this handout or ask a member of our staff for one. 

Restricted items

Flowers and plants - Bruyère is a scent-free environment. Since many people are physically sensitive to chemicals present in the air, floral arrangements or plants in patient rooms must be unscented. Please remove floral arrangements and cut flowers after seven days. Potted plants are not permitted in your room.

All use of cameras, video cameras and cell phones to photograph, videotape or make sound recordings of patients, staff, or visitors without the individual’s written consent is strictly prohibited.

The use of cell phones is permitted except where forbidden by signs posted in specific areas where use may interfere with medical devices.

Electrical appliances – Electrical appliances are not permitted in your room. This includes refrigerators, humidifiers, kettles, extension cords, halogen light bulbs, microwaves hot packs, heating pads and electric blankets. Exceptions include personal grooming equipment such as shavers, hairdryers, and laptop computers.

Common refrigerators are available on all patient care units.

Furniture – Do not bring additional furniture for your room.

Televisions – Do not bring your own television. TVs are available in all patient rooms.

Smoking, alcohol, and illegal drugs

Smoking – Bruyère is committed to providing a healthy environment for everyone. In keeping with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, smoking is not permitted on hospital property.

Smoking refers to any tobacco or herbal product intended to be smoked or heated, as well as smoking devices in any form, including e-cigarettes.

Staff and volunteers will not transport or supervise patients who wish to leave the building to smoke. During your stay at Bruyère, we will encourage you to take part in smoking reduction or cessation programs.

Alcohol – You may not consume alcoholic beverages at any time unless a physician’s order has been written permitting you to do so. Visitors, volunteers, and staff may not consume alcoholic beverages at any time while on Bruyère property.

Illegal drugs – Bruyère has zero tolerance for the use, possession, cultivation, or distribution of illicit substances in its buildings and on its grounds.

Wheelchairs and power mobility devices


Wheelchairs provided by the hospital are selected according to your needs as assessed by an occupational therapist. They can also provide information about equipment resources available in the community.

All privately owned wheelchairs must be in good, safe, working condition before they are brought into the hospital. Ask your occupational therapist whether it is necessary to bring in your wheelchair and accessories (e.g., cushions, footrests, and lap tables). You may need to wear a seat belt when using your wheelchair.
Due to space constraints, you are responsible for making storage arrangements if you have more than one wheelchair.

Power mobility devices (PMD)

All power mobility devices must use maintenance-free gel batteries. Lead-acid batteries are not permitted. You are responsible for battery replacements and all repairs and/or maintenance of your personal wheelchair. Our occupational therapist or nursing personnel can refer you to a list of outside providers who make service calls.

Before operating a power wheelchair or scooter, a member of your care team (e.g., occupational therapist) must complete a driving assessment. This will determine your ability to safely drive the device. During your stay, you must display safe driving skills and good judgment while operating your equipment inside the hospital as well as outdoor hospital grounds and in the community.

Note: Your driving skills will be assessed by the care team on an ongoing basis. They may modify the speed control, restrict, or suspend your driving privileges if you do not follow the guidelines listed below.

Safe driving guidelines


Please consider that driving a PMD is like driving a car. Safety of yourself and others is important.

    • Drive cautiously. Stay alert and always be aware of your surroundings.
    • Drive at low speeds indoors. Driving at high speeds can cause injury to yourself or others and damage to property.
    • Turn at low speeds. Sharp turns at high speeds may result in overturning.
    • Do not drive over curbs or drops higher than 1.5 inches (3.5 cm).
    • Driving while under the influence of alcohol or of a controlled substance is prohibited.
    • Do not allow anyone to ride on your PMD with you and do not tow anyone.
    • Be extra careful when operating your PMD near stairs.
    • Only staff may assist you in crowded areas. Because of safety concerns, other patients must not provide such assistance.
    • Store items securely when on your PMD; do not carry any loose objects with you.
    • Turn the power OFF before getting on or off your PMD.
    • When driving a scooter, make sure that the seat swivel is locked.
    • Always keep your feet on the floor pan of your scooter or the foot supports of your electric wheelchair when driving.

Suggestions for operating PMDs


    • Use of a seat belt is strongly recommended as a sudden jolt could cause you to slide out of your PMD.
    • Check battery power to ensure it is fully charged before each outing.
    • Consider the weather when planning to go outdoors, e.g., tires may have poor traction in snow and rain may damage electronics.
    • Use of an orange flag is recommended to increase your visibility to traffic in the community.
    • Have a plan in case of emergency when you are out in the community (e.g., carry a cellular phone, request a volunteer or a friend to go out with you).
    • Do not overload the basket of your scooter. This can affect the balance of your scooter.
    • Never lend your PMD to another patient or to a visitor.
    • Park your PMD in a safe place that is not in the way of others. Sufficient space is required around the beds in patient rooms. Therefore, your PMD may not be able to be stored in your room.
    • Do not block the entrances of the hospital.
    • Turn OFF your PMD when in the elevator in case another person accidentally hits the joystick/controls.
    • Consider installing mirrors to increase safety when backing up.
    • Notify your vendor or a member of your care team if you are having problems with your PMD.

Responsibilities and obligations


    • You are expected to read and follow these guidelines at all times while using the PMD.
    • You are responsible for willful damages or injury to yourself, others and property resulting from your use of the PMD. You understand that you, your family, or estate agree not to make any claims against Bruyère, its medical staff, employees, officers and directors for any damages or injury that you may cause.
    • You may be required to reimburse Bruyère, its medical staff, employees, officers, and directors for costs of any claims or demands made by another party that arise from your use of a PMD.
    • You are responsible for maintenance, damage, adjustment, or repair costs for your PMD, including costs of modifications required because of safety concerns identified by the team.
    • Your PMD is not to be used as a weapon. Doing so will result in the loss of the PMD.

Emergency preparedness and fire safety

When an alarm sounds, it could be an emergency or a fire drill. Please remain calm.
Elevators cannot be used during a fire alarm.

If you are in the hallway, go to the nearest empty room or ask for assistance until the “all-clear” signal is announced. Visitors entering the building should remain at the entrance until the “all-clear” is announced.

For fire safety, use of open flames including birthday candles is not permitted, except in the chapel areas.

We encourage patients to use battery candles if they would like to have a candle in their room.
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