About Bruyère Health

Board Committees

The Board fulfils its mandate to govern and manage the affairs of Bruyère in keeping with its mission and values and conducts this work through the following committees:


The Audit and Resource Management Committee exercises oversight and makes recommends to the Board of Directors on appropriate policies and actions in the area of human resources, information systems, facilities, real property, risk management, and financial operations.

The Executive Committee assumes the authority of the board of Directors between meetings and is responsible for ensuring the mission and values are lived throughout the organization and across all its programs and services. Committee membership is made up of the Chairs of the various Board committees as well as the Vice-Chairs of the Board. The Executive Committee is responsible for reviewing the organization’s mission, values, bylaws, policies and annual objectives, establishing standards for appointments to the Board, making recommendations for committee membership, determining the mandate of committees, and reviewing the performance of both the CEO and Chief of Staff.


The Governance, Mission Effectiveness and Nominating Committee oversees the review of the bylaws, renewal of Board and committee membership, evaluation of Board performance, and recommendations on other initiatives to enable the Board to deliver exemplary governance throughout the organization.

The Medical Advisory Committee is responsible for receiving and considering appointments of medical staff, credentialing of medical staff, overseeing of medical quality management, and specific functions as defined in the Public Hospitals Act and other relevant legislation.


The Board Quality Committee recommends policy direction and action in the areas of quality and risk management, program evaluation, research and education.


The Research Ethics Board is responsible for ensuring that research studies conducted at Bruyère are in accordance with the mission and values, protect the interest of research participants, and maintain scientific integrity.

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