About Bruyère Health

Fees for FIPPA Requests

The $5 application fee is mandatory and non-refundable. Under FIPPA, Bruyère may charge additional fees to process your request. These may include:


  • Search fees of $7.50 per quarter hour ($30 per hour) for searching for and preparing a record for disclosure;
  • Photocopying charges of $0.20 per page and $10 per CD;
  • Other charges, if incurred, will be provided in an invoice.

A fee estimate will be provided if the processing fees exceed $25.You will be asked to pay a deposit of 50% if the processing cost is estimated to exceed $100. We will let you know whether any exemptions under FIPPA might apply to the records you are requesting so that you can make an informed decision on whether or not to proceed with your request.


Full Fee schedule

Payment should be made by cheque or money order, payable to Bruyère.

Fees related to general records requests of personal information request:

  • The requester may be required to pay the fee before being provided with access to the record.
  • Bruyère may require the requester pay a fee deposit of 50% of the total estimated fee if it is $100 or more.
  • Bruyère will refund any fee deposit paid that is subsequently waived. 

Fees for a general record request:

s.57(1)FIPPA, s. 6 Reg. 460 


  • Application fee: $5.00
  • Photocopies and computer printouts: $0.20 per page
  • CD-ROMs: $10.00 for each CD-ROM
  • Manually searching for a record: $7.50 for each 15 minutes spent by any person
  • Preparing a record for disclosure, including severing a part of the record: $7.50 for each 15 minutes spent by any person
  • Developing a computer program or other method of producing a record from a machine readable record: $15.00 for each 15 minutes spent by any person
  • Costs, including computer costs, to locate, retrieve, process and copy the record(s) if those costs are specified in an invoice received by the hospital: Actual costs incurred

Fees for a personal information request: 

s.57(1)FIPPA, s. 6.1 Reg. 460


  • Application fee: $5.00
  • Photocopies and computer printouts: $0.20 per page
  • CD-ROMs: $10.00 for each CD-ROM
  • Developing a computer program or other method of producing a record from a machine readable record: $15.00 for each 15 minutes spent by any person
  • Costs, including computer costs, to locate, retrieve, process and copy the record(s) if those costs are specified in an invoice received by the hospital: Actual costs incurred


 Questions? Contact the privacy and access to information officer at access@bruyere.org.



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