Bruyère Health Research Institute

Applications and Exemptions

Applying to the REB

In determining the ethical acceptability of each study, the Bruyère Health REB uses a proportionate approach to ethical review, as outlined in TCPS2 (Chapter 2). The level of review is determined by considering foreseeable risks, potential benefits, and any ethical implications during initial REB review, and ongoing review. It is at the discretion of the REB to determine the level of review your study requires.

Full Board Review

For studies requiring full board review, the REB meets on the second Tuesday of each month. Please follow the guidance provided in the REB Calendar for deadlines. We require all REB submissions to be in by 4:00pm on the 1st of each month in order to go for review the following month.

Delegated Review

For minimal risk studies, requiring delegated review, you may submit your study at any time to the REB Office.

Harmonization Agreements

The Bruyère Health Research Ethics Board has Harmonization Agreements with various regional institutions to streamline the ethics review process for studies falling under the jurisdiction of multiple REBs.

Under both the OHSN and CHEO Agreements, institutional requirements still apply, meaning studies that are not reviewed by the Bruyère Health-REB must still be registered with the Bruyère Health-REB, and likewise, studies not reviewed by the OHSN-REB, must be registered with OHSN. Please contact the CHEO-REB for institutional requirements.

For studies that fall under the OHSN Harmonization Agreement: please complete the Survey here. Studies will be reviewed and approved through one ethics application. A single Board of Record will be assigned.

For studies that fall under the CHEO Agreement: please contact the Bruyère Health and CHEO REB Offices.

For studies that fall under a harmonization agreement and have already obtained REB approval from a Board of Record that is NOT Bruyère Health-REB, you are required to complete the Bruyère Health Registration Form and submit it to the Bruyère Health-REB Office.

Research not covered by Harmonization Agreements (where Bruyère Health REB is not the Board of Record)

For studies that have already received REB approval from the Board of Record at another institution, we do not require you to fill out our BREB form, nor use our Informed Consent Form template. However, for greater than minimal risk studies that will be recruiting our patients/residents/staff/family members/volunteers, we may require you to use the forms and/or templates provided. Please contact the REB Office for guidance.

For all other studies not covered by a Harmonization Agreement

Please use the mandatory Ethics Checklist to determine the documents required for your submission, and please use the forms and templates provided. Ensure that you fill out each form completely and accurately. Forms that are not filled out completely will be returned. If your study is recruiting Bruyère Health patients (in-patients or out-patients), residents, tenants, family members, staff, students or volunteers beyond self-referral methods, or you require the following Bruyère resources to conduct your study, you are also required to complete the Impact Form. Research resources at Bruyère may include the following, but is not exclusive to: sharing recruitment information (email, poster or brochure) with potential participants, identifying potential participants, obtain consent to contact, education/training of clinical staff, perform procedures/assist research staff with procedures, collect and document data, administer medication, assist with scheduling participant sessions, accompany patient on transport, sample collection, use research equipment, change of practice for Bruyère Health staff, monitor vital signs, etc.

Once you have completed your forms, you may submit your study to the REB Office for review.

Applying for an Exemption

The TCPS2 exempts the following types of projects from REB review:

  • Quality Improvement (QI), Quality Assurance (QA) and Program Evaluation (PE)
  • Testing within normal educational requirements (curriculum development or evaluation)
  • Research that relies exclusively on information that is publicly available and protected by law, or information within the public domain where there is no expectation of privacy.

The REB has the final authority to determine whether a project qualifies for an exemption.

To apply for an exemption, please complete the Exemption Application.

Fee Schedule

The Bruyère Health Research Ethics Board (REB) charges fees for initial and ongoing review of research studies to support the REB and the Institution in its efforts to promote ethical research activities at Bruyère Health and the Bruyère Health Research Institute.



The REB charges review fees for all research studies undergoing full board or delegated review that meet one or both of the following criteria:

  • Industry sponsored studies, or when industry is contractually receiving publication or data rights, and/or will have access to research records.
  • Government agency-initiated studies that are not peer reviewed or investigator-initiated, unless at the discretion of the REB, the main purpose of the government agency research is conducted for the benefit of public health purposes. 

Initial Review Fee
The fee is for the review of the research application and will not impact the decision for approval. If the study is not approved, the fee will still be charged to the sponsor or agency. For studies that are withdrawn prior to REB review, the fee will be refunded. These fees may be increased based on the complexity of the study design, for example, umbrella sub-studies included in the protocol. Please note that the fee includes archival of study documents.
For clinical/interventional/non-interventional/observational studies that meet one of the above criteria (whether full board or delegated). $3500.00
For Chart/Database Review and Secondary Use studies that meet one of the above criteria. $500.00 
Annual Renewal/Continuing Review Fee
This fee covers the cost of associated continuing review and other reportable events not listed in this document.
Amendment Fee
This fee is for all amendments (minor or major) for studies that are included in the above initial fee criteria, with the exception of adding staff to a research study that does not require a revision to study documents. If the addition of staff requires changes to the Protocol or Informed Consent Form(s), this fee will be charged.
This amendment fee is for adaptive, basket, umbrella and platform clinical trial studies that include an additional Protocol, IP, Informed Consent Form(s), or other major changes. The determination of the fee amount is at the discretion of the REB.
Up to $2500.00
Serious Adverse Event Fee
This fee is for the review of Serious Adverse Events (SAE’s) for clinical studies requiring extensive or prolonged REB review (full board or delegated), and that may require revisions to the Protocol, Informed Consent Form(s), Investigator’s Brochure, or other study documents. The level of review required, and the determination of the fee, is at the discretion of the REB.


Studies funded by granting agencies independent of industry, such as CIHR and SSHRC, unfunded studies and/or resident projects, and charitable or non-profit organizations. Considerations may be made on a case-by-case basis, and only where limited funding is available. Requests may be made in writing to the REB office: REB@bruyere.org.


Please contact your Research Services Manager for guidance on paying the fee.

All fees are to be paid to:
Bruyère Health Research Ethics Board
43 Bruyère Street
Ottawa, ON
K1N 5C8


Ethics Checklist
BREB Application – General
BREB Application – Chart/Database Review & Secondary Use

BREB Guidelines

Bruyère Health Registration Form

Protocol Template

Genetic Addendum
Confidentiality Pledge (bilingual)

Conflict of Interest Declaration

Media Authorization and Release English

Media Authorization and Release French 

Exemption Application

Impact Form 


Informed Consent Form – Generic
Informed Consent Form – Survey
Informed Consent Form – Verbal
Recruitment Poster Templates (bilingual)
Delegation Log

All submissions must be sent in electronic format to:

Kristi Wilde
Research Ethics Manager
Email: REB@bruyere.org

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