We are Bruyère

News and Stories

Former hospital patient smiling and playing piano

Celebrating Rehabilitation Day with a story of hope and recovery

Sep 16, 2024 | Patient Stories

We celebrate Rehabilitation Day today with a Bruyère success story. Our rehabilitation services worked together to kindle hope and restore quality of life to a patient who experienced a debilitating neurological disorder.

Illustration of family, nurses and other supporting older parent

Patient and family summer newsletter 2024

Sep 13, 2024 | Patient Stories

The 2024 summer edition of our Patient and Family Newsletter is now available. 

Annual public information meeting Thursday September 26

Annual public information meeting Thursday September 26, 2024

Sep 11, 2024 | Patient Stories

All are welcome to attend Bruyère ‘s annual public information meeting, online or in-person, on Thursday September 26.

Headshot of Thiago Santos

Former Bruyère patient performs piano recital July 18

Jul 12, 2024 | Patient Stories

Thiago was a complex care patient at the Bruyère Saint Vincent Hospital from August 2023 to January 2024 due to a severe neurological disease that left him completely paralyzed and unable to even breathe without assistance.

Bruyère’s John and Jennifer Ruddy Geriatric Day Hospital

Bruyere’s Geriatric Day Hospital program featured in the Ottawa Citizen

Apr 22, 2024 | Patient Stories

Elizabeth Payne with the Ottawa Citizen recently visited Bruyère’s John and Jennifer Ruddy Geriatric Day Hospital.

stroke recovery story

A stroke recovery story - Rehabiliation Day

Sep 20, 2023 | Patient Stories

In Ottawa, September 20 is not just an ordinary day; it's a day dedicated to celebrating the power of rehabilitation.