Who knows? Essential Care Partners do.
Healthcare Excellence Canada has declared the theme of the 2021 Canadian Patient Safety Week…
Who knows? Essential Care Partners do.
In response to the pandemic, we, like many health care organizations have had to implement new visitor restrictions that, at times, prohibited visitations all together. These were difficult decisions made in difficult times.
We have learned the impact that visitors, families, and Designated Care Partners have on our patients, residents, and our staff. They are an essential part of our team and play a significant role in the health and well-being of our patients and residents.
We established the Designated Care Partners (DCP) program recognizing the integral role they play as members of our care teams.
This week, we encourage you to get to know some of our DCPs, hear their stories and share the impact you have seen them have on our patients, residents, and staff.
Help us keep your loved ones safe -- we encourage you to continue to follow Ottawa Public Health guidelines in response to COVID-19.
To learn more about Healthcare Excellence Canada and how you can support the re-integration of essential care partners safely into health care settings, visit their website.