Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic
This clinic is a specialist consultation service with a physiatrist. Patients are seen for:
- Stroke rehabilitation
- Consultation
- Fast track stroke rehabilitation consultations
- Spasticity/ hypertonicity, outpatient clinics
- Musculoskeletal, outpatient clinics
- Specialty consultation to geriatric rehabilitation, palliative care, complex medical care and family medicine
Following a comprehensive initial assessment, patients are actively linked with follow-up services and resources offered by partner agencies and programs.
Contact us
Direct inquiries to the coordinator: 613-562-6262 ext. 1007
Fax referrals to: 613 562-6312
Hours of operation: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
75 Bruyère St., room 321YY
Ottawa, ON, K1N 5C8
Tel.: 613-562-6262, ext. 1758
Fax: 613-562-6312