Wait times - Outpatient Programs
This report provides the average wait time in weeks for outpatient programs at Bruyère Health.
Wait Definition: Average weeks patients wait from date of referral to date of first appointment with a physician or an allied member of the program.
N.B. : All referrals are triaged and urgent cases are being seen within one to two weeks regardless of wait time.
- Bruyère Memory Program - Urgent referrals: We are putting all efforts into addressing urgent referrals as soon as possible. This time remains variable and can go over the expected two-week wait.
Non urgent cases: Seven months for nursing appointment and eight months for physician appointment
- Dermatology Clinics:
- Regular general dermatology: 12 months
Urgent general dermatology: One to four months
Photoderm: Eight to 10 weeks
Photoderm (vitiligo): Four to six months
- The John and Jennifer Ruddy Geriatric Day Hospital: Five months
- Geriatric Assessment Outreach Team: Four weeks
Last Updated: November 1, 2024